Remote Access

This collection of plays sets out on expeditions to inaccessible environments, following intrepid characters through snow, storms, and trackless jungle, where the right equipment might just save your life.

The Journey
Catherine Megregian
Into the Jungle in 3D
Kostas Bantounos
Risk and Vulnerability
Tom Reynolds
Skilfully balancing two fast-paced, interwoven stories, this audio play follows a couple rushing to an airport through icy conditions, while elsewhere a pair of scientists contend with the dangers of a trip to Antarctica.[Contains strong language] An enthusiastic academic and a sceptical professor disagree on the use of a new 3D-imaging technology. But when they’re thrown together on a derailed surveying expedition, the technology will unexpectedly be put to the test. As a cyclone batters a Madagascan village, a disinterested journalist reports the story in the UK. Contrasting face value statistics with the real human experiences behind them, this is a story of ingenuity, endurance, and community spirit.
Tom is part of a team studying cyclones in Madagascar, including engineers, climate scientists and experts in adaptation, based in the UK, Kenya and Madagascar, without whom it wouldn’t have been possible to write the drama.