The CreateWorks collection of audio dramas are 14 brand new, original plays written by engineers from diverse fields, inspired by and connecting their specialist research to the lives that it will directly impact.
Covering everything from cutting-edge breakthroughs to climate change, from red tape to rogue robots, ice storms and intrepid journeys into the unknown, these stories give us a snapshot of a changing world, where every new discovery has the potential to benefit, bewilder, endanger, or inspire mankind.
The full collection has been curated into the following five themes.
Conscience Call: What happens when cutting-edge research runs into resistance from the people it was meant to help? This collection of plays explore intriguing ethical dilemmas.
Featuring: Pathways by Urwah Arif and Following the Guidelines by Dr Camilla Thomson
Future Tense: In these plays we’re looking to an uncertain future with stories exploring the challenges of a rapidly-changing world. As a privileged few benefit from new discoveries, what happens to those who won’t, or can’t, adapt?
Featuring: Too Much Tech? by Ruby Marshall, A Jocund Company by Arun Pannir Selvam, and Life on the Meadows by Lesley Gibson
Red Tape: In this collection of plays we’re facing down the forces of bureaucracy, hypocrisy, scepticism, and self-interest with three stories that shine a spotlight on the dedicated scientists struggling to bring their innovations to the public.
Featuring: The Fury of Friday Evenings by Vasilis Koutsomarkos, Launchpad by Dr Selva Manikandan Athi Narayanan, and The Bouligand Structure by Chidume Nwambu
Observer Effect: These audio plays explore unexpected perspectives, with stories about imaginative innovations and practical solutions to age old problems. Can considering a new point of view change an individual, a community, or a whole industry?
Featuring: Adrift by Dr Encarni Medina-Lopez, Salt of the Earth by Dimitri Mignard, and In The Lab by Dr Daniel Orejon
Remote Access: This collection of plays sets out on expeditions to inaccessible environments, following intrepid characters through snow, storms, and trackless jungle, where the right equipment might just save your life.
Featuring: The Journey by Catherine Megregian, Into the Jungle in 3D by Kostas Bantounos, and Risk and Vulnerability by Tom Reynolds
Creative team credits:
Directed by Amy McKenzie & Jo Rush
Dramaturgy by Dave Fargnoli
Sound Design and Recording by Calum Paterson
Performed by Kim Allan, Jaden Baker, Adam Buksh, Nicole Cooper, George Drennan, Sarah Miele, Joanne Randle, James Rottger, and Ashley Smith.